MU Health Care offers a job shadow program for individuals interested in learning about the various career opportunities we offer.
Job shadowing is a hands-off experience that allows you to follow and closely observe our employees performing their day-to-day duties.
If you need clinical hours as part of your graduation requirement, we offer those through a separate program. Please visit our Student Vetting page instead.
MU Health Care’s Job Shadow Program has two different types of opportunities:
This program limits shadowing to 16 hours per year. The hours reset January 1 of each year. To participate, candidates must meet the following requirements:
To participate, contact the department you are interested in working with directly. A list of contacts can be found here:
After you have confirmed a shadowing opportunity with your respective department, including the dates of observation, create a profile in Clinician Nexus:
Completed paperwork must be submitted at least four business days prior to the start of your observation period.
Once these steps are completed, you'll receive notification regarding your authorization badge.
To participate in our more than 16 hours program, candidates must meet the following requirements:
Assignments end on December 31 each year. Participants who would like to extend their shadowing opportunity must contact the Job Shadow Program at least two weeks prior to December 31.
To participate, contact the department you are interested in shadowing directly and inquire about shadowing opportunities.
A list of contacts can be found here:
Once approved, the hosting department will initiate the vetting process within 60 days of starting your observation.
All Job Shadow Program participants are asked to wear closed-toe shoes and business casual attire (or scrubs if approved by the department or preceptor). We ask that you do not wear jeans, high heels, cologne or perfume.
Individual departments and employees may have additional dress code guidelines, so please check with your department when arranging dates and times.
MU students should park in their normal permitted area. If you are an MU student without a permit, you will need to go online and purchase a normal student permit. Current MU students are not allowed to purchase permits as a visitor.
Non-students should purchase a permit through the parking website. They may also use meters on campus. Click on Tiger Park Portal and create a visitor account.
Also, visitors may stop in the parking office and purchase a day permit. For further questions about parking, please email or call MU Parking and Transportation at 573-882-4568.
If you have additional questions, please email MU Health Care Job Shadow Program (subject line: Job Shadow – Additional Assistance).